trademark record

Is it possible to register a trademark if the trademark name only consists of two characters?

Yes, any trademark with at least one character is acceptable in the Clearinghouse. However, please note that all two-character labels will be withheld from registration or allocated to Registry Operator at the second level within the TLD in order to avoid confusion with country codes. Such labels may not be activated, and may not be released for registration to any person or entity other than Registry Operator, unless the Registry Operator reaches an agreement with the related government and country-code manager of the string.

I have received a message saying my trademark is incorrect. What should I do?

This message has been sent to you to point out that since one of your trademarks has been marked as "incorrect". To find out why your trademark was marked "incorrect". please log in to the TMCH interface, navigate to the "Marks overview"-tab and go the trademark record that has the status "incorrect". You will find detailed comments from our verification Agents in the "Comment"-field in the middle of the page.

If you wish to correct your trademark record, you can find how to do this in one of our two manuals:


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